IMO MVC is a special kind of Hexagonal Architecture - they share both the forces they address and the means they use. To quote myself:
According to [POSA1], MVC separates a model (logic) from a user interface in order to satisfy the following forces:
* Support for multiple views of the same model, while Hexagonal Architecture allows for running the same business logic (model) in different setups (sets of adapters).
* The implementation of real-time change propagation to views, while Hexagonal Architecture makes the properties (including the responsiveness) of the model and the adapters independent; thus, a slow adapter or model will not block other components.
* The option of allowing the UI to be changed without touching the main business logic, the same freedom that holds for the adapters in Hexagonal Architecture.
* The ease of porting the UI to new platforms, which is similar to the protection from vendor lock-in in Hexagonal Architecture.
Thus, having several subdomain modules, each built as a dedicated MVC (resembles Microfrontends?) is similar to a system of services where each service implements Hexagonal Architecture (or at least an Anticorruption Layer). There is nothing new under the moon.