>> "Finding the right spot between formalism and clarity is an art."
- If the patterms are made into a tree-like structure, each node inherits many properties of its parent, thus there remains less to define about it - just like with OOP inheritance, which may save quite a lot of work. That is what I am aiming at. And once a reader identifies a pattern or two they are interested in, they should refer to the original source of the pattern, or check other articles over the Wen.
>> "there are so (too?) many patterns"
- Someone at PLoP'20 told about an existing repository of 2K patterns.
>> "Establishing a library and framework for abstracted patterns"
- https://t.me/antoniomana contacted me and wrote that he will have a PLoP'24 session about that. As far as I understand, he does not have anything working yet. https://c2.com/ was intended as a repository, but it did not survive the Wikipedia hype. https://tvtropes.org/ is quite good, but that's about another kind of patterns.
>> "I will discuss your work with some colleagues."
- Thanks, that would be great.
>> "getting a book deal to reach a broader audience"
- The book has not been compiled yet (95% readiness). I'm publishing the individual chapters on Medium for promotion and feedback. And any public attention is likely to help winning a good publisher for the book.