PinnedPublished inITNEXTThe list of architectural metapatternsClassification of architectural patternsSep 4, 20244Sep 4, 20244
Published inITNEXTProgramming and architectural paradigmsObject-oriented, functional and procedural approaches re-emerge at the system level4d ago24d ago2
(free book) Architectural Metapatterns: The Pattern Language of Software Architecture (version 0.9)The 300+ pages long book covers hundreds of architectural patterns and is available under the Creative Commons license.Dec 19, 20241Dec 19, 20241
Published inITNEXTIndirection in commands and queriesAdapters in OLTP and CQRS view databases in OLAP systemsDec 6, 2024Dec 6, 2024
Published inITNEXTDependency inversion in architectural patternsExamples of dependency inversion at the system levelNov 22, 20241Nov 22, 20241
Architectural Metapatterns book is readyThe free book is a high-level overview and classification of system designs and architectural patterns from various domainsNov 6, 20249Nov 6, 20249
Published inITNEXTReal-world inspirations for architectural patternsParallels between our daily life, system software and architectural patternsOct 29, 20243Oct 29, 20243
Published inITNEXTSharing functionality and data between servicesThere are four ways to share code or data between services: co-locate, separate, delegate or replicate.Oct 25, 20241Oct 25, 20241
Published inITNEXTPipelines in architectural patternsSeveral patterns feature a unidirectional data flow. Let’s look into the details.Oct 24, 20242Oct 24, 20242
Published inITNEXTAmbiguous architectural patternsThe ambiguous patterns are: Monolith, Microkernel (Plugins), Domain Services, Cell-Based Architecture (Cells) and NanoservicesOct 23, 20246Oct 23, 20246